CW Tips: Spring Organizing, Your Complete Guide

March is here - which means the weather is getting warm, you’re feeling motivated, and you want to start checking some items off your to-do list.  Are you overwhelmed with where to start? Unsure of how to begin the process? Look no further. We’ve put together some of our favorite tips for start-to-finish success! 

Step 1 – Plan it out

Grab a pen and a copy of our Spring Organizing Checklist, and do a full walk-through of your home. For each room, write down how it ranks in priority on your list. Then assign dates for each of these rooms to be completed and put them on your calendar. For scheduling your time, we recommend a full day for areas like a garage or basement, or bundling several small areas together. Scheduling them out will keep you on track and help hold you accountable!


 Step 2 – Get your plan in order

Go ahead and schedule a junk and/or donation haul-off. These services can be found free of charge through many vendors, but typically are booked up pretty far. So think ahead, and get this scheduled now. Not only will this ease your burden of donation runs, but it will also give you a set date to keep you on track! We also recommend stopping by your local hardware store and picking up a few cheap moving boxes and large black trash bags so you can pack up your donations as you go!

Schedule a Salvation Army Donation Pick-Up

Schedule a Salvation Army Donation Pick-Up

Schedule a Got-Junk Trash Removal

Schedule a Got-Junk Trash Removal

Schedule a City of Charlotte Bulky Pick-Up

Schedule a City of Charlotte Bulky Pick-Up

Schedule a Habitat for Humanity Donation Pick-up

Schedule a Habitat for Humanity Donation Pick-up

Step 3 - Starting your first room  

Go back to that list you made and start with your highest priority area. This might be the pantry which is overrun with expired quarantine snacks, or the garage which is too cluttered for your kids to get their bikes out. Whatever area it is, the time to start is now! Grab your trash bags, tape up some moving boxes, and start emptying the space. As you’re taking everything out, work wisely and separate things as you go. This will help cut down on your sorting time later. If you’re emptying your pantry – keep all the pasta and rice together, etc. If you’re emptying your garage – make an area for kids toys, tools, etc. 

 Once everything is out, do another sweep to make sure you’ve removed all the items that you want to donate. Now it’s time to plan how you want to put stuff back. This is a personal preference and is a fun way to get creative – color code, categorize by family member, whatever works best for your lifestyle! 

Be sure to measure your space for products, plan your bins or baskets, and make a shopping list if necessary! 

Once you’re products have arrived, pack the items you’re keeping, implement them back into your space, label, label, label, and then step back to take a big deep breath and enjoy your new space. 

CW home - Garage, Full Frame.jpg

Now that you’ve got one area under your belt, hopefully the rest won’t feel so scary! If you’re in need of some motivation, be sure to check out our Instagram and Pinterest. 

Happy Spring!

Caroline + Whitney